Lake Vyrnwy LFA7 Feast or Famine.

I've just spent a few days at the Dam end of Lake Vyrnwy waiting for some Military aircaft to fly East West along the Lake. Since the demise of the Tornado and the fact that No1 Group have slapped a ban on their remaining front line aircraft flying through certain sections of the Mach Loop LFA7. I thought I'd search for other areas in LFA 7 where I might be lucky enough to be able to photograph these now elusive aircraft .

After  a few enquiries with the local residents and shop keepers I've managed to ascertain that Military fast jets do in fact still fly down the 5 Mile length of the Lake Vyrnwy and I've been told it's very much a case of feast of famine which is both good and bad news.

Low Flying activity within the Welsh MTA  is not what it used to be and the frequency of these flights has very much reduced,  as a result I've resigned myself to the fact that my quest may take quite a while. I've visited Lake Vyrnwy on three occassions and it was only on my last visit that I actually got to witness Military aircraft flying over the Lake . In fact my tally for the combined three trips is x 3 Wildcats (very high) . 2 x Pumas and one Hawk not a lot for a combined total of 24 Hours of Sunbathing in the Welsh MTA.

On the Plus side I've met a multitude of EU Nationals some whom had cycled from Germany who were only to happy to discuss the beauty of the Lake and the Pound to Euro exchange rate.

So my first Image from  Lake Vyrnwy is of a Low Flying RAF Puma quite a rarity in its own right but this particular Puma has the Tiger Sqn camouflage. I infact thought that this aircraft was from the French Airforce rather than the RAF.

As this is a work in progress I'd appreciate help from anyone within the Lake Vyrnwy area that may have a bit of local knowledge and could help me in my quest.


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