There are two different approaches to photographing fast moving subjects such as Downhill Mountain Biking. The first is to use a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the movement and to rely on composition and context to to give the impression of speed. The alternative is to use a significantly slower shutter speed than you would use to capture the action crisply, so as to provide an artistically blurred image to suggest movement. The slow shutter speed approach is great for giving an impressionistic view of sport, and is a particularly useful technique to explore when light levels are low and faster shutter speeds are are hard or impossible to achieve, however the difficulty in this approach is that you can end in too much detail being lost in the blur. Here are 8 Examples of what I would like to think are a happy medium.
Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography

Shoottothrill Event Photography


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