Photographing a variety of Wild Tits .

 If you've been out at all in the recent bad weather I hope like me you found it a lot easier to get up close and personal with a variety of  wild birds that would normally keep their distance. I've had a great time feeding and photographing  Robins, Nuthatches, Great and Blue Tits all in great light. I have posted some images to my website.

Blue Tit

I went out today in the late afternoon and it was certainly a different story, I'm on the same patch the light isn't too great and because it is half term loads and loads of people about . I also forgot to mention that the temperature has increased substantially which means that the birds can find their own food.


Luckily for me it wasn't a total blank as I managed to entice a few birds out with a tasty selection of bird food treats.


If you are out and about this week have a great time and enjoy the weather.


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