Chasing the elusive Shropshire Brown Hare population

I'm still on the case of the Shropshire Brown Hare population, chasing down the elusive Boxing Hares picture that I so desperately want. I decided  to search an area known as the Stiperstones, rumours have it that the elusive Hares may be there. However the day got off  to a really bad start when I managed to lock myself out of my vintage VW Caddy MK2 Van. Yes I chucked my coat in the back and locked the door whilst eating a cheeky Greggs Bacon Bap. Stupid I know but I lost an hour trying to sort it all out, luckily my wife came to the rescue but I did have to own up about the Greggs. I arrived late at the Stiperstones and managed a recce but it was so windy that I had to anchor myself to a fence otherwise I'd be airborne. Unfortunately no Hares but I did discover that Cuckoos arrive at the Stiperstones in April, this means no Clive the Cuckoo for me I should be able to get the real deal.

Anyway once I had got out of the wind I popped into my local nature reserve . I've now got some more intel on Shropshire Hares so hopefully some photos soon. Just one image today it's of a Long Tailed Tit in B/W shot late into the evening with a high ISO setting on a 400mm Lens with a 1.4X Convertor. Canon Eos 1d MK4, hand held.

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